The activity I am enjoying most about ballet class is the time spent practicing different positions at the barre. Specifically I like doing the ron de jamb and port de bras. I appreciate the time spent on the barre because I can concentrate better on what I am doing, I can see what I am doing on the mirror, and it’s easier to practice certain positions. What I find a little frustrating is putting all the different steps together and executing them on the floor. I feel I can do them rather well independently, but once I am on the floor I have a hard time making them all come together. When I was in gymnastics I also found doing a floor routine challenging, which is why I preferred to work on the uneven bars. Another thing that’s challenging is doing a releve with either a devant or derriere cou-de-pied. I can only do it for a few seconds before I lose my balance.
The combinations we have been working in class so far consist of the following: port de bras, tendus, releves, and sautés in cou-de-pied position. Speaking about sautés, I feel that I have to work on them a lot more because as of now I don’t feel satisfied with the distance I’m getting. The ones that are fun to do are they ones that include doing port de bras or tendus. The one thing I have to remind myself is to keep my head up when I’m doing the sautés in cou-de-pied position across the floor.
My ballet teacher gave us all advice that would aid us with our balance or routine. She told us that it can be very helpful to imagine either a place or situation, so we can get in a proper state of mind which would assists us keeping a certain appearance. One image that I think of is being out in nature, some place near either a lake or ocean. I find that water has a very soothing effect on me, and so this can aid me when I’m trying to get in a certain state of mind. I can not only imagine a certain scene, but I could also think of certain songs. Some calming songs that I could think of are Archipelago by Mirah, Quelqu´un m´a dit by Carla Bruni, or Limon y Sal by Julieta Venegas.